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avril 2014

Kurling for Kids Final Total – $301,373.60 RAISED!

The cheque reveal took place at the Montreal West Curling Club on Sunday April 13, 2014, and the final total for Kurling for Kids 2014 was an amazing $301,373.60!!!  This shattered the event goal of $260,000, and was nearly $50,000 more than the 2013 event when $252,000 was raised.

Glenmore raised a club record of $35,100!!!

Thanks to all fundraiser, curlers, organizers and volunteers who support this amazing event!

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Kurling for Kids raises $277,000! Glenmore raises $35,000!

The annual Kurling for Kids charity event raises money for Montreal Children’s and Ste Justine.  11 curling clubs and over 600 curlers take part.

It was another record breaking year for Kurling for Kids, with over $277,000 raised to date.  Glenmore set it’s own club record raising $35,000.

Here are some photos from the event!

Thanks to all who took part and raised money for this great cause!

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