Open and Mixed Ladder Rules
Updated September 2019
- Games shall consist of 8 ends, with starting times of 7:00pm and 9:00pm.
- As a matter of courtesy to your opponents and those who will follow your draw, you are required to be on the ice AND ready to play at the appointed time. At the end of the first draw, teams finishing their game should help cleaning, pebbling and nipping to allow the second draw to start as soon as possible.
- For the 7:00pm draw, at 25 minutes before the scheduled end of the game, as determined by the bell, rinks will complete the end in progress and then are only allowed one more regular end. In case of a tie, an extra end(s) shall be played. If the extra end results in a blank end, a one rock draw to the pin (with sweepers from the throwing team) tie-breaker will be used to determine the winner of the match. These draws to the pin will be executed towards the home end and sweeping only allowed by the throwing team. The team with hammer will decide who throws first. It is strongly suggested to measure the first draw so a clear winner can be identifiedFor purposes of decision, an end is considered to have ended when the last rock has been thrown.
- An end is considered to have ended when the last rock has been thrown. As in officiated play, a rock is considered thrown when the delivering player has crossed the near T-line.
- Games must start on time.
- The team which delays the start of a game shall be penalized one point for each 10 minutes delay and one end shall be considered to have been played for each full 10 minute period. Curling etiquette demands the offending skip mark up the penalty score without discussion before the game begins. After 30 minutes delay, the game must be defaulted.
- The team that has not delayed the game will automatically be awarded the hammer for the start of the match.
- In the case of a major snowstorm and/or a significant traffic jam, the ladder coordinator may allow the early draw games to start late without penalty or to reschedule the game. In the case of a late start, game will consist of as many ends can be completed to respect the 8:35pm bell rule.
- No team shall play a game short of players if a spare is available.
- Any rink may designate, at any time, a fifth player provided that they are not a member of another rink in the same Ladder. Once designated as the fifth player on a team, they will remain part of that team for the remainder of the year. A player will only be considered as a fifth player after he/she has been clearly identified as a fifth player with the league coordinator.
- A team can start a game if the 4th team member is on his/her way to the club.
- A player wishing to spare should let it be known that she/he is available to play on that draw.
- If a team refuses to take an available spare, it will default the game.
- A minimum of three players are required on each team and there must be at least two members of the regular team present for a game to be legal.
- Spares
- It is hoped that teams will try to get a spare instead of postponing games or playing with only three players. This helps promoting the ladder as well as ensuring all curlers get the full benefit of their membership.
- A spare may NOT throw skip stones (rocks 7 & 8), and a spare can ONLY be in the house calling line when skip stones (rocks 7 & 8) are being thrown.
- A spare must play at the same position, or a lower position than the regular position of the missing player.
- A spare may only play TWO games for any one team during a particular round. If, however, a skip wishes to permanently replace a player, the skip must advise the match committee. Exception: in the Mixed Ladder, a female can spare more than two games per round for any given team.
- Given exceptional circumstances, the Match Committee can grant on a per case basis certain accommodations to the spare rule. For example, this can happen when a spare is needed for many consecutive weeks because a player is injured. The Match Committee can also for exceptional reasons permit that a player be registered on two teams in the same league.
- For the Mixed Ladder, the League Coordinator can allow a team to use a green (first- or second-year curler) male for the entire season instead of a female if no female player is available. If this male player needs a spare for a given game during the season, he can be replaced by any female or another green male player.
- Spares must respect their membership category.
Notwithstanding the spare rules, respect and fair play command that the choice of your spare and the position they will play on your team does not significantly increase the level of play of your team for that game.
- Start of the year standings
- Teams will retain their standing from the previous season if the registered skip and one or more player(s) return together on any given team at any position. If this does not apply, the lead, second and third of a given team can retain their ranking if they will be playing together once again. Fifth players from the previous season or for the upcoming one will not be considered in establishing team rankings. Non ranked teams will be place in the order they signed up following the last ranked team.
- New teams can be seeded in the A or B sections is they are clearly too skilled to play in the C or D sections. If possible, competitive teams with a proven track record will be seeded in the A while good new teams will be seeded in the B. This process is only possible when there is an opened spot (team not returning). No teams shall be ‘’bumped down’’ in this process.
- Scoring
- Each team in the ladder must play the same number of games in a given round.
- In the A section, a win will be awarded points totaling twice the number of games in that round while a loss will be awarded points totaling the number of games scheduled that round. For every section down, one less point will be awarded for a win or a loss. For example, for an 8 teams round robin (7 games), A teams will be awarded 14 points for a win and 7 for a loss. In the B, teams will be awarded 13 or 6 points, and so on.
- End of round standings and tie-breakers
- At the end of each round, points will be totaled and new rankings made.
- In case of a tie between two teams in different sections, the team from the higher section will be placed ahead of the other.
- If two teams from the same section are tied, the head to head game will determine which one gets the higher ranking.
- In a case of a three team or more tie-breaker from a same section, the ‘’who beat who’’ principle will be applied as often as necessary to determine respective rankings.
- In the case where two of the teams involved in an intra-division tie-breaker were not scheduled to play each other, all teams involved in the tie will keep their respective ranking.
- In the case that two of the teams involved in a tie breaker were scheduled to play each other more than once, only the result of the last scheduled game between the two teams will be considered for tie-breaking purpose.
- When establishing the standings at the end of a given round teams will only go up or down by one section. Nevertheless, a team wanting to forego this ruling can be exempted and go up or down 2 sections by advising the league coordinator by email no later than at 7:00pm following the playing deadline for that round.
- Section playoff winners and Club Champions
- Section playoffs consist of the last round of play. The team with the best win/loss record within each division will be declared section winners. For example, the team finishing b-1 (most points in B) may not necessarily be the section winner if they do not have the best win/loss record in B for that last round. Tie-Breaking rules will apply.
- Amongst teams that started the last round of play in the A section, the Club Champion trophy is awarded to the rink having accumulated the greatest number of points after the end of the last round. In the case of a tie, an extra game will be held to determine the Club Champion.
- Postponing Games
- All teams should try their best to play each game as scheduled as there is limited free ice in which to play make up games. It goes without saying that a team requiring only one spare should not postpone a game.
- Any rink desiring a postponement is responsible to contact the opposing rink and advise them of such before the game is scheduled to be played. In such a circumstance, the team postponing the game is responsible for rescheduling the game at a time acceptable to the opposing rink. Where postponed games have not been played by the end of the regular draw, the rink requesting the postponement will be charged with a loss (and not a default).
- It is the responsibility of the rink postponing the game to also advise the Club manager and webmaster of such a postponement. By doing so, that sheet will be made available to teams wishing to make up a game. In the event that three or more members of a team represent the club in a branch or provincial competition, the skip may request the match committee to reschedule their game if an acceptable time cannot be agreed upon by the two teams or there is no ice availability.
- The non-offending team is expected to make a reasonable effort to accommodate the rescheduling of the game.
- Defaulted Game
- When a game is defaulted, the offending team is given ZERO points for the default and the other non-offending team is awarded a win.
- The following are grounds for defaults:
- A team must consist of at least three players. There must be at least two members of the regular team present for a game to be legal.
- Failure to postpone a game within the proper time limit (2 hours prior to the game). For games cancelled on the same day it is scheduled, any rink wanting to cancel a game shall contact verbally the skip or vice of the opposing team. Emails, text messages or messages left on an answering service are not considered as having contacted the opponent verbally unless there a personalized response is obtained from the other team.
- Failure to take a spare when one has made it known it was available and present for the start of the game.
- Other disputes or items not covered by these rules
- In case of a conflict that is not covered by a rule or a specific case in which the blind application of the rule would be to the detriment of fair play, curling etiquette or the nature of the league and the Club, the Match committee can overrule. All decisions made by the Match committee are final.
Day Curlers Open Ladder Rules
- Games in the season are to be played in accordance with the CCA Rules of Curling for General Play, Branch rules, as well as the following local rules and regulations;
- In accordance with the above, the lead and second will play three stones each should a member of the rink be absent
and the team is playing with three members; - The four declared members of a rink may play at any position and need not play the same position for the complete round of the ladder;
- Substitution rule:
- The is no limit to the number of times that the same spare may play for a team;
- There must be a minimum of two players of the original team;
- Spares can play any position.
- A full extra end will be played to decide the winner when games are tied after 8 ends;
- For a team to retain their spot in section A from the end of one year to the
start of the next year, it must be the skip and one member of the original team,
or the three members minus the skip of the original team.
New teams must start in the B section; - Scoring system:
- Section A: Win = 14 points, Loss = 7 points;
- Section B: Win = 13 points, Loss = 6 points.
- NOTE: No points are awarded to either team in the case of a default.
- Points:
- Points earned in the first draw will be cut in half and carried forward to round 2;
- Points earned in round 2 will be added to the ½ from round 1 and carried forward to round 3;
- Points earned in round 3 will be added to the carry over after round 2 to determine the final year-end standing.
- Champions:
- The team with the highest point total earned over 3 rounds will be the section A champion for the season;
- In section B, the team with best win/loss record in round 3 only will be considered the B champion.
If 2 teams are tied, the winner of the round 3 game between them will be declared the champion.
- Please do your utmost to start games on time.
Also, every effort should be made to play the game within the normally allotted time of 2 hours.