
An Evening with Reid Carruthers and Mike McEwen – June 18th!

On June 18th, Hardline Curling in association with Glenmore CC presents An Evening with Reid Carruthers and Mike McEwen!

These two greats of curling will be on hand to meet you all, and take part in a Q&A session where you will get to ask them questions!

There is a free BBQ with hot dogs, salads, and desserts, and there is no cost to attend!   We just ask that you bring a non-perishable food item for Sun Youth!

Hope to see you all there!


Semi-Annual General Meeting

Glenmore will have its spring AGM on Tuesday, May 20th, 2014 at 7:30pm.

All members are encouraged to attend. Elections will be held for club officers.

  • President: Greg Sleno
  • 1st VP: Keith Davidson
  • 2nd VP: Jennifer Delloye
  • Tresurer: Larry South
  • Secretary: Carolyn McGarr
  • Past President: Gerry Routledge